decorative-simple-christmas-wreath-ideas-decoration-for-your-main-door-decating-ideaJane’s Christmas letter


Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

Dear Friends,

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as Eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and walk and not faint.”   Isaiah 40:31

As you can imagine I have been asked often when I plan to return to Kenya?   My plan is to return at the end of January but I am waiting on God’s plan and timing.  I am resting in perfect confidence that He will guide me His way and timing for His purpose.  Waiting is not marking time because of indecision or lack of faith.  Quite the contrary!  Waiting is an act of faith, not faith in the outcome that we dictate to God, but faith in His character and faith in God himself!

In Psalm 37 there are elements of this hidden activity, which are a perfect formula for peace of mind – Trust, Dwell, Delight, Commit. Wait patiently for Him, not worrying about others.  Resist the temptation to defend and explain to others and simply go on trusting!

In Ric’s death I have had the biggest test of my faith and obedience.  More test are ahead of me as I seek to continue to serve God.  I know that I am in God’s will and the Lord has ministered to me in so many ways.  In the “secret place- the shadow of the Almighty” God does mighty work.  As I wait- He will supply, He will fulfill His promises, He will give me His very best.  Waiting is an offering and an act of faith and obedience.

“If the shepherd leads us beside still water when we are hoping for “white water excitement, It is difficult to think anything positive in happening” Elizabeth Elliot,  God has been working in my life these months since Ric passed away, and has been preparing me for the ministry He has ahead of me. My position is to have an open heart and open hands, ready to receive what God chooses for me, having perfect confidence that what HE chooses and His timing are always perfect for me!  “Waiting is having no agenda, no deadlines, no demands on what God must do!” Elizabeth Elliot. So I am waiting.  I ask for your prayers and understanding as I waiting on God for His direction and timing to return to the ministry He has called me to.

God bless you as you continue to partner with me through your prayers and financial support.  

***Due to the large expense in mailing large numbers of letters I would like begin sending letters via email.  PLEASE EMAIL ME AT And say “Yes, please send me an email letter”.  Thank you.

In Christ,


Penuel Ministries Inc.* P.O. Box 1305 *Lebanon, Oh 45036


Jane  is Still Serving the Lord in Kenya, East Africa.

Jane's Kakayuni Aug 29 280

Jane Taylor

Penuel  Ministries is a duly registered and recognized 501c3 organization, chartered in Ohio, that serves as the sending agency for Richard and Jane Taylor, career missionaries to Kenya, East Africa. 2012 will mark 24 years of active service through the ups and downs of life in a third world country.